New Start!

I have news! A couple of days ago I got an offer to study medicine at the University of Newcastle (2+ hours north of Sydney), which I...

I have news! A couple of days ago I got an offer to study medicine at the University of Newcastle (2+ hours north of Sydney), which I accepted! After getting over the shock I am now beyond ecstatic. Basically what this means is:

- I'm going to move out and live in Newcastle for most of 5 years
- I'm saying bye to all the amazing friends I made in my 1 year of uni
- I'm giving up my presidency of my medical science students society
- I'm not going to be seeing my family as much
- I'm not going to see R very much either

- I finally get to fulfil my dream of becoming a doctor.

I know it may sound lame/stereotypical (especially considering I'm asian) but I'm beyond glad that the past couple of years of worrying, trying, 'failing', almost giving up, being unsure about where I was going, how I was going to get there and if I was even going to make it has been put to rest by this little miracle. I do believe it is a miracle because as R has said, my marks were 'woeful' (thank you dear). 

I even remember complaining and in hysterics to R on the phone the night before I had the interview about how I was going to fail again, how the uni didn't want me, how I didn't even deserve the interview, and how the whole interview was stupid and I just wanted to go home.

He pretty much told me to shut up and go to sleep.

Which was probably very good advice, because here I am now! Lucky...

Anyhow, speaking of R, it is quite scary/sad to be doing the long distance thing. I can still come back home to Sydney at least once every other week and for holidays, but when I think about how it is going to be like that for 5 years it is rather intimidating. However if we can't make it through this, then we might as well give up now. Which is clearly not an option. I am unbelievably lucky to have him in my life, to have him believe in me unfailingly and support me without question through anything and everything. Do your best, forget the rest. That's all we can hope for.

Other than that, aside from the nightmare of finding a place to live and having to tie up a million loose ends, I am pretty excited for what's to come. 

P.S Hope you like the photos of sparklers from NYE. I'm kind of obsessed with them. Sparklers I mean.

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  1. Your sparkler photos look way better than the ones which I took on NYE, haha. And congratulations on the offer to study at Newcastle! Another upside with living in Newcastle would be being so close to some of the most beautiful beaches! Good luck in finding a place to live <3

  2. Congratulations!! I wish you the best of luck with this new opportunity <3 I'm sure everything will turn out amazingly :)

    And I'm absolutely in love with these sparkler photos. They're gorgeous!

  3. Congratulations Annie! I hope that the new move and the new uni bring you nothing but great adventures and greater experiences!

    Keep us updated on your journey and maybe one day when i'm old and frail you'll be able to help me acquire under the counter medications... Only a half joke. Haha

    And I don't think much has to be said about your photos, I alwaysssss love them!

    Always wishing you the best! xx

  4. Congrats, Annie!! There's nothing more fulfilling than following your own dreams!

    And about the long distance thing, I remember my college professor saying that love is a test of knowledge, distant and time. Something I could never disagree. Nobody really knows what tomorrow brings but we ought to spend as much time with the people we love because it'll never be enough. Whatever happens tomorrow, we have today.

    Gosh. I sound so cheesy. XD

  5. Err, I meant distance not distant. XD Typo error.

  6. Congratulations and good luck, that is absolutely fantastic news!

  7. Well done you! :D That's really amazing, and if it's truly your dream I'm sure you'll get through it fine. Highs and lows sure, but it'll be amazing. :) xxx

  8. how on earth did you manage to get into medicine after only 1 year of uni?? :O In melb you have to do a 3 year undergrad course! But anyway, CONGRATS TO YOU ANNIE!!!! so many people I know just found out they got into med as well, including my bf and sister :D

  9. wow Annie! Congratulations!
    studying medicine is really an amazing thing, i'm so proud of you =D

  10. WOW CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so amazing, you must be excited for all these new experiences coming your way!

    About the long distance thing.. I wish you all the best. If it's meant to work out it will. I was in a long distance relationship for almost two years, and although it didn't last, I still have high hopes for anyone else trying it. It is definitely a test, and you really find out a lot more about the other person. I think you two will be fine!

    Congratulations once again :)

  11. Hey! I just love your header! Found your blog through bloglovin, it's interesting how you can find the most interesting blogs by chance like that.
    Good luck with your studies! :))
    And, feel free to drop in on my blog, I'm Swedish but I write in English because I have a lot of friends abroad.

    xoxo/ Linnea

  12. Congratulations are in order! And how fitting with the start of the new chinese year!


  13. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best of luck

    Emily x

  14. Somehow I found your blog.

    Your photos look great. Especially the night shots. What camera do you use if you don't mind me asking?

  15. wow! congratulations to you! such a wonderful opportunity. I somehow envy you that you have the guts to pursue medicine. I once wanted to become a doctor. A part of me still does but then I have other things that I wanted to do more. I hope you still get to update your blog often despite your busy schedule. Good luck and God bless you! :)

    The Pink Lemonade Girl

  16. Good job and good luck!

  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's soo exciting! Best of luck with all the new changes that are about to happen though <3 I hope everything goes smoothly and that you adjust to the new changes okay :) No matter what happens, trust that everything will work out find in the end! <3

  18. Congratulations, Annie! Sometimes following your dreams will mean sacrificing a lot, and i mean really A LOT, but in the end, it'll all be worth it. I'm in my 2nd year in medicine now and I'm pretty much enjoying it. There are times though when I envy my friends who are out working and making money for themselves already but I always go back to telling myself, "this is your dream." Just sacrifice now and enjoy later, it's what my dad always tells me. Good luck, Annie! :)

  19. i am late on this but oh my goodness! congratulations annie :)! this is so exciting!!

  20. Dr. Annie! Oh my gosh, congratulations! It's always so nice to see a fellow pre-med blogger join in the ranks of doctor-dom, haha. I am so beyond happy for you.

    As for your boyfriend, it seems like you guys got the right idea. It'll be hard, but if you can't make it through this, then is it really going to last a lifetime? Good luck with everything. It'll all be put to the test, but you guys have my best wishes that it'll all work out.


  21. amazing pictures! Happy NY!

    follow me too? :)

    Loretta xx

  22. Hey Du!
    Ich mach Blogvorstellungen auf meinem Blog!! Vielleicht hast du ja Lust vorbeizuschauen?
    Ich finde du hast Talent!!


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