Lovely Bones + Last of Travels - WE MAKE PLANS

Lovely Bones + Last of Travels

I promise this is the last set of travel photos. There were just too many so I couldn't really be bothered to sift through all of them. ...

I promise this is the last set of travel photos. There were just too many so I couldn't really be bothered to sift through all of them.

But the first few here are photos of my favourite part of the trip. We visited the Dinosaur Valley in Yunnan Province, and whilst I wasn't particularly impressed by the fake dinosaurs on display around the park, I was completely and utterly blown away by the fossils and bones on display in the exhibition hall.

Apparently more dinosaur fossils have been found in this valley than anywhere else in the world, with hundreds still buried. Which is why they preserved the excavation site, which we also got to see. I stood on a fucking dinosaur excavation site!! Coolest experience ever. You can probably tell I'm a dinosaur enthusiast...
Enjoy the rest of the photos!

Inside the dinosaur exhibition hall// Excavation site//Fossils being prepared//Me next to dino pillars//Inside a lit-up cave//Climbing a mountain in complete fog//Yaks chillin'//Most beautiful water I have ever seen//Tamed eagle?//Lucky well//Animal demi-gods at a 'natural sacrificial site'//Little store selling furs//Gypsy cart!//Playing in the streets//Horse rides//Canal//Old Town tourist hotspot//Boats//Ornate traditional doorknob//Market stall//Beautiful view on an old town//And another one//Fountain//Misty mountains//A very expensive "tea biscuit"

All the places above are around Yunnan province, near Kunming. A very memorable trip I'd say. You can't tell but a lot of the time was spent in transit in a little mini-bus trekking to the most remote places- I had the bruises to show it! Stayed in a different hotel every night and saw so many things, so many experiences (both exhilarating and embarassing) and somehow; discovered so many things about myself. 

It turns out that when you're placed in a foreign, constantly changing and overwhelming environment where you are no-one, you learn a lot about yourself.

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  1. the dinosaurs are pretty darn amazing! Pretty cool to actually be there at the site! x

  2. Your travel photos look amazing - I can't wait until I can be off again to explore somewhere new!

  3. Amazing photos.

    That's the best thing about trips isn't it? You always learn something new about yourself, it's as if you're not only embarking on a trip to discover the world, but to discover yourself also.

  4. Your photos are crazy beautiful, and make me wanna be there desperately now to take it all in! ♥

    The ancient dinosaur site is beyond amazing. :)

    The Cat Hag
    Join My Giveaway

  5. these photos are amazing! thank you for sharing them with us ♥

  6. i love your pictures! they are so nice! you should do a post about your camera! I wouldn't mind some tutorials from you!

  7. WOAH. Amazing photos. I agree with comment above- you are way skilled with your camera!

  8. annie, i LOVE your photos, they are so very, very lovely. and they also make me miss asia (pretty much anywhere in asia would be fine with me right now) so much! x

  9. These photos are crazy good. That one with the eagle took my breath away. Plus the waterfall in the background? Uh, photo magic!

    Style Soufflé

  10. ah i think what you have managed to do (what many travel photos do not do) is capture the natural character of a place and setting- i really feel like i'm actually there in the picture!

  11. oh. my. gosh. these photos are very very beautiful! thank you so much for taking me on a little trip -- i enjoyed it! :)

    <3, Mimi

  12. these pictures are truly breathtaking! what an amazing trip :)

    visit me and join my juicy couture giveaway!!



  13. I'm in love with your blog. I've bookmarked you. :)

  14. Your pictures are breath taking. I want to travel!


  15. Ohh my, these are beautiful photos! I especially love the one of the yaks. I'm actually moving to Kunming in a few weeks and I'll be there for the rest of the year. I can't wait to be near so much natural beauty.

  16. these photos - oh my word. holy flipping beautiful. oh my lands a livin. lovely.

  17. you take very wonderful photos! I am so in love with the way you capture beautiful moments. <3


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