Sunrise and Firsts - WE MAKE PLANS

Sunrise and Firsts

Yesterday was probably the first time I woke up at 5:30am on a Saturday. All for good cause though, as R and I drove to Manly to watch the s...

Yesterday was probably the first time I woke up at 5:30am on a Saturday. All for good cause though, as R and I drove to Manly to watch the sunrise!

Sun rising at Manly Beach
We were running a bit late so may have sped a little. By the time we got there it was already a bit light with the sun just peeking over but it was beautiful nonetheless. Loved the vibe at Manly, people were already out, jogging, playing volleyball or paddling out to catch the first waves of the morning. We spent the early morning walking up and down the beach. What a lovely cliche.

Richard on the beach | "Artistic" shot of a leaf/bark (?) | Gazing into the distance | Getting ready to paddle out | Volleyball net | Along the walkway | Sitting on the infamous stormwater pipe |
Photos taken by Richard and me

The early morning meant we could amble around Manly, from Bluewater Cafe for breakfast (I think) to the markets, to his primary school where there was another local market, and finally to his house where we slept most of the day away. Woke up obscenely late to have lunch, and to take photos of random things along the way and back for some studying (that was the original plan) until a late dinner. During which we watched an episode of Burn Notice, accompanied by R's enthusiastic boyish commentary. A lazy, gorgeous day. Seems to be our routine...

My breakfast; muesli, fruit and yoghurt

I'm glad to be be back to blogging about 'normal' life. It's funny when I look at my blog; it makes it seem like my life is eventful and interesting when really it isn't. Most of my life now is consumed by uni and everything that involves. But this was one of those days that make me realise I'm extremely thankful for the life that I have :) Return of dreary weather? Too many hours of uni? Yeah bitches I can handle that.

Ahh don't you love the weekend?

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  1. Gorgeous pics ! Nice to discover your beautiful blog !


  2. Love all your morning photos! I am a morning person hence sunrise always make me happy.

    I absolutely love weekends!


  3. hi annie, (fellow sydney sider!)

    i love your blog, and it was sooo worth waking up so early to get to manly. you make it look sooo beautiful. new follower :)


  4. Hey :)

    I am so glad that my post could make you feel better and i hope you don't have to many of those crappy days, i hate those days, i usually get them also but i try to stay positive about it. I just followed you girl! Hope your having a lovely week :)

    Jelenadoll <3

  5. beautiful blog!

    P.S. I'm looking for people who are interested in exchanging links to post on each others ' favorite blog list! Tell me if you're interested!

  6. Looks like you guys caught it at low tide too. I love walking around during low tide; it's so calm and beautiful.

    Good idea waking up early to see the sunrise. Too bad my boyfriend's a sleepy bum.

    Style Soufflé

  7. great photos!
    neat post... wanna follow each other =)

  8. I'm in love with your pictures and blog! Starting to follow you ASAP ;)

  9. Wow what incredibly beautiful photos! The beach may be a cliche but its still breathtaking no matter how many photos i see of the sunrise (i'm sure its better in real life but i dont live remotely near a beach so don't know :P) i take it these were taken on holiday? It looks exotic to me anyway!

    Your breakfast looks delicious - the colours!

  10. MM that salad looks so good!
    Love your pictures =) The beach looks so pretty. Love sunsets.

  11. Love ur beautiful blog!Randomly browsing through blogs and found yours..read about ten pages of your posts at once..just too pretty! :)

    Anni, Finland

  12. Ah, but those are really artistic shots. I do hope you feel better though, sometimes we let the suckiness drag us in and we forget how wonderful our life it.

    I wanna run to the beach now =(

  13. What beautiful photos! I love waking up early to catch the sun like that - it's such an amazing sight! :)

    sorelle in style

  14. You make me want to do more leisurely exploring on my weekends! Looks dreamy.

  15. Nice post!
    Bookmarked :)

  16. Oh wow what gorgeous pics of the sunrise! also what a healthy breakfast, looks delish xx

  17. lusting these photos... beautiful!! Great blog- following you :)


  18. i dont think i've ever woken up at 5.30... except maybe that time we had to drive up to sydney. Anyway, I think it's so amazing that you can make your so-called boring uneventful life appear so luminous and picturesque! it's a real talent.. being able to find the beauty and mystique in the small things in life :)

  19. WOOOW WOOW what a perfect post ^^ the pictures are amazing they make me dream
    Kiss from France


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