We Own The Sky - WE MAKE PLANS

We Own The Sky

Rhodes Waterside, 5:30pm 1. Wonky sign facing the wrong way and marring the otherwise beautiful sunset. 2. Walkway with lights just switch...

Rhodes Waterside, 5:30pm
1. Wonky sign facing the wrong way and marring the otherwise beautiful sunset.
2. Walkway with lights just switched on
3. If you squint it looks like an inkblot!
Taken on my surprisingly trusty p&s

Yesterday afternoon I decided to bike it to the shopping centre at Rhodes (home to the largest IKEA in the southern hemisphere) which overlooks the water. I used to jog here a lot, especially in summer because the sunset every evening is almost coma-inducing and always different to the one the day before. 

At around the same time every evening, if the weather is nice you'll see a lot of other people sitting along the pier (is it a pier?), chanelling their inner peace and serenity. Or they're furiously making out on a park bench.

It's funny because despite how gorgeous it all looks, the water is highly toxic and polluted and fishing is prohibited as all the fish probably have ghastly mutations due to said pollution. A lovely sign kindly informs all passer bys about this.

I suppose you can kind of guess that from the thoughtfully dumped shopping trolley...
Anyway, it's still a beautiful place to have a good cry or to enjoy loneliness.

Oh yeah, I always wondered; do most people like sunsets or sunrises more?
Very important.

We Own the Sky- M83

P.s Click on the pictures, I think they look better big...

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  1. these are absolutely beautiful photos, even if the area is polluted. sometimes it makes me hate human beings when i see how much damage we do to beautiful things!

    ps. i think i like sunrises better (because it's so peaceful and quiet) but i extremely dislike being awake early enough to see one! :)

  2. beautiful. the colours are so vibrant.

  3. This is beautiful, speechless...
    x www.ahugeheartforfashion.com

  4. These are absolutely gorgeous. The colours are so beautiful!

    I love sunrises. I'm not sure... I think it might be the whole 'hope of a new day' thing, but maybe that's reading too far into it. I just like the idea of it getting lighter, not darker!


  5. awesome pictures!!!!!!! great job!!!!


  6. nature is so amazing- i've never seen purple and orange blended together so naturally, and you are so amazing for capturing it and sharing it with us! im never awake early enough to see the sunrise :(

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. what a beautiful post, nature is always the prettiest!

  9. Hi Annie! Thank you for sharing these gorgeous pictures! They're so calming for the soul! As for me, I love sunsets the best! xxoxoxoo

  10. hmm 'a glass of rum' cos i was trying to describe the colour burgundy in a more creative way.. it would be so sad if rum was actually a deep orange colour D:

  11. This place seems to be amazing. I think everyone has such a place to just enjoy the loneliness (or is desperately searching for it...).
    I love sunsets because I'm more in love with the night than with early mornings but sometimes the light and the fresh air is just amazing!

    Love Christal

  12. Hello! Thank you for stopping by and leading me here. Your photographs are so vivid! I'm a little bit in awe of them.
    Re: your comment: I've come to the conclusion that dream foods are probably best left in dreams. Any sort of Real Life reenactment only leads to disappointment (though you do kind of have me craving orange juice now..the fresh squeezed stuff).
    It's sad that the water is polluted, but in a strange way it does seem to add to the beauty...in that sad-beauty "Oh, humans..." way. A bit of melancholy is necessary every and now and then.
    I'm torn on the sunrise and sunset. Lately it's been a mix between rainy and sunny here (it's Scotland, 'nuff said), and there's a certain time in the evening where the hills go purple and husky, almost smoky. Yet the other morning I looked out my window early and there was all this sunrise mist curling down the pine tree forest...

  13. gorgeous photos. I love sun rises more. xo

    p.s. I'm having a $50 giveaway if you'd like to check it out. :)

  14. These pictures are absolutely breath-taking. You're an amazing photographer!

    Style Soufflé

  15. the shopping cart image is perfect...

  16. these are the most amazing pictures! truly stunning!


  17. Oh don't you just love sunsets! They make some of the most beautiful pictures.


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