Campus + Cake

Probably my favourite place on campus-a weird mix of vine covered walls, random roman pillars which serve no purpose whatsoever and shady ...

Probably my favourite place on campus-a weird mix of vine covered walls, random roman pillars which serve no purpose whatsoever and shady sloping lawns. It's a cool place to have lunch because it's peaceful and overlooks the oval, giving this impression of wide natural grassiness. 
If, you know, you ignore the construction site and giant maccas sign on the other side. 

Today was a medsci friend's birthday, so we surprised her with a birthday cake and candles at the pillars. I took a picture of the cake + bday girl but it did not do it (and her) justice. Apparently my phone cam can't handle closeups. 

But it was a nice little gathering, we ended up throwing bits of cake at each other- it was a much-needed break from studying for the exam tomorrow. But hey, one more day and I am a free woman!

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  1. that first photo with the red leaves is absolutely beautiful!

  2. This uni is amazing! Which uni do you go to?? Why didn't I go there haha


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