You Look Weird

R and I went to a Michael Buble concert today (don't laugh) and despite hysterical, middle-aged women making up most of the audience dem...

R and I went to a Michael Buble concert today (don't laugh) and despite hysterical, middle-aged women making up most of the audience demographic, it was a really good performance! Buble is fantastic live...such a smooth sexy if you don't melt into a puddle of helplessness at his sultry tones... But other than that, he actually is genuinely charming and funny... not that I know him personally or anything.

A quarter of the day was spent watching Precious, the rental DVD was super dodgy and skipped an hour of the movie near the end so we spent way too much time backtracking and fast-forwarding. Because of this, I think we watched the movie 5 times. So because of this, instead of a "heartwrenching and uplifting story of struggle and hope" it was "wtf this doesn't make skipped back too far...dude just give me the remote!"
Another quarter of the day was spent arguing about whether it was a "really crappy movie about a fat girl", or a "really good movie which just wasn't given the justice of a fair viewing". (No points for who said what heh) My mom, who overhead, said "but the girl isn't even pretty OR famous!" Seriously people! It is a good movie! Go watch it.

Another highlight: after R said my drapey top looked weird, I asked Eva about my outfit. She gave me a solemn nod and said:
"Yes I like looks like a fairy dress!"

I'm telling you, a 5 year old's approval is freaking unbeatable.

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