
You know what's really exciting? The fact that today, millions of helpless people morph into flower-toting zombies, gravitating towards ...

You know what's really exciting? The fact that today, millions of helpless people morph into flower-toting zombies, gravitating towards pretty boxes of chocolates and all that is red and/or heart-shaped. The most exciting thing however, is that they all fall victim to the sexy mass-consumerism beast out of LOOVE. Though I suppose it's a wondrous day for many out there as it is the one day that "If you love me babe you will spend excessive amounts of money on me. Hint: I like diamonds" can actually be said without any dire consequences.

As much as I like to scorn, I guess I can't really because I too, may have fallen victim to the cringe-worthy movement of sappiness. (Albeit my sense of pride is still intact I swear). The reason being...(see picture)

Before the snickering, I would like to say 3 things:
  1. Bitch, I CAN cook
  2. I make caramel brownies (with 3tbsp of baileys) for you because I love you
  3. I think I might be whipped
So anyway, despite the fact that V-Day is evil, I have realised that
  • one visit to the dinosaur exhibition 
  • one really weird massage at a weird massage place 
  • one blister from wearing cowboy boots without socks and walking 10km AND
  • one overpriced rickshaw ride that never took place 
...are the fundamental ingredients of a perfect day- and they really compensate for the embarrassing things that I try to do out of affection...such as attempt to cook.

Much love! Also, dinosaurs are cool ok?!

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