Photowall Finished!

I had been meaning to do this for a while, and finally buckled down and finished it last weekend. I didn't even bother carefully s...

I had been meaning to do this for a while, and finally buckled down and finished it last weekend. I didn't even bother carefully selecting photos, just copy and pasted a few folders from this year and ran down to Bing Lee to print them off, because I knew if I dawdled around I'd NEVER get it done. The result? Some really random photos in the mix including a stupid photo of dumplings which didn't even taste that good anyway. But hey, gone is the sad wall of peeling posters and blutack, though it was hard to say goodbye to the sexy legolas one...

What I learnt:

1. It is a bitch to tessellate photos neatly if they are odd dimensions. 
DON'T DO IT if you want to make life easier. 
Only do it if your photos are handy dimensions, like the bigger ones are exactly 2x the smaller ones etc.

2. Do a little research on which places print the cheapest; if you print  like 200+ photos, the difference can really add up. 
I ended up getting them printed for 7c each!

3. Put photos that you love or mean something to you.
 If you are like me, you will get so sick of looking at the stupid photo of dumplings that didn't taste that good, instead of feeling all smiley and happy at all the memories on display.

Anyway, I'm glad I finally did it. I think these days with shooting digital, we just end up with thousands of photos saved and hidden away on our computers and hard-drives which is a shame because they should be seen! I like being able to look at one photo and remembering the story behind it, and seeing all the moments laid out on my wall just reminds me that life isn't always crappy and dreary, but colourful and rich too. Hopefully over time I'll keep changing it up and adding more photos to it.

 | ID/Pass, diary, papers, lab-book |

On another note, this week I started on a summer research scholarship at a research institute coincidentally near my house. Adjusting to the 9-5 work routine was pretty yuck after my 1 week holiday but I quite like the work so far. I'm working in a project doing stuff on a tumour suppressor gene related to malignant mesothelioma...for anyone who is interested. The lab team is extremely nice, more like a family really and the facilities are pretty brand spanking new.

There was a media launch for Asbestos Awareness Week on my first day which was a little full on, but in the best way possible. On the second day, the entire lab surprised me with a birthday cake! (The cake count for my birthday this year is ridiculous. It's like 8 or something, if you include R's ridiculous idea of buying me 4 cheesecakes...) But yes, the first week has been tiring but great. I apologise in advance if my blog posts for the next 2 months or so are a bit truncated, verging on non-existent during the week!

Congratulations if you are still reading this. Off to do stuff. Like return your lovely comments.

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  1. It looks amazing! I've been doing this recently too, and I totally know what you mean about trying to do this with pictures of different dimensions/ landscape and portrait ones!

  2. Wow it looks awesome! With or without the dumpling photo :p Asbestos Awareness Week? We should have one of those here.. my boyfriend's dad owns an Asbestos removal company, I've done surveys for them, so much fun.. xx

  3. haha such great tips for photowalls - i've done one before and took me about 5 hours to actually complete!
    wow that research project sounds so intense, but congrats and good luck with it all :D
    happy belated birthday also lovely <3
    jessie x
    the weekend project.

  4. That photo wall looks great! I can't imagine how annoying it must have been to try and measure out the different sizes and get them lined up and looking nice. I'm such a perfectionist that I would have lost my patience long before you. And you're right; we end up with SOOooooo many pictures that we always forget about! It's nice to have these things to look at and remember.

    Now go eat cake and respond to comments.

  5. i think i spot the dumplings. last row 5th from the right?! hahah.

    the wall looks so very cool and all the photos look so...vibrant!

  6. Your photo wall looks amazing ! And I concur that it is a lot of work getting the placement of photographs right. Lots of effort but it looks beautiful so it paid off :-b I have polaroids stuck all over my wardrobe mirror (cause' the fung shui master advised that mirrors are energy sapping -.-) but left a shape of myself so that I could still see my reflection. This is an old pic but it's since been fully covered :

    How incredibly messy !!

  7. I've been meaning to do this! I just couldn't find the time to do so and I have too many photos to print. I agree with printing the ones I love and meant something. I remember this Quentin Tarantino movie that says something about memories, if all of it is canned, would it also have an expiration date. Memories fade sometimes but pictures doesn't.

    Good luck with the scholarship. :)

  8. hehe at your dumpling rambles!! Least your wall looks real neat! YThanks for your comment hahaah i do pride myself on being well-groomed and dressed =P ahh your wall in comparison to Mine is LOL.makes mine look so messy as its just a mixture of polaroids, digital prints and just magazine cut-outs and other mumbo-jumbo. And coincidentally i know what you're doing research on! I had that shit down in my exam for Pathology =P HAHA. ox

  9. i love your wall; it is so vibrant, so alive, and definitely very inspiring! photography is something i have only recently started to dabble in, in a very amateur way, prose being my primary mode of expression, but i love this concept.

    happy weekend!

  10. omg what a great wall! love it ♥

  11. love your wall! i did this in my dorm my freshman yr, and it was a pain for sure! but your wall looks beautiful :)

  12. this just look absolutely awesome!!

    so different, but it must have taken agesss!!! xx

  13. wow, what a wonderful idea! I'm also in the middle of picking out the best photos from 2011 and then getting those printed as paper photos. it's so much better than the digital ones!
    anyway, your wall turned out really great :)

    Maikeni blogi - part of me

  14. This photowall looks amazing! Your indeed very keen in making this kind of stuff. We love it!

    Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!

  15. this is absolutely amazing! i'm absolutely inspired right now


  16. Thank you for your lovely comment about our writing style, it means a lot more now that I've seen your blog.
    I see we share a similar aesthetic (with the clean white background and nice big pictures - quite standard for blogs I guess, but I like things to be simple). Your photo wall looks so great with the alignmnent of the photographs, I should probably try that with mine instead of just sticking photos anywhere. Also, your research scholarship sounds interesting, especially seeing as it's for such a great cause!

    Bianca (

  17. Wow, that's a great idea, esp since your photos are always so amazing. It looks great!

    And happy belated birthday!!!


  18. It's good that your photos don't just end up in your hard drive!! You know how digital stuff get erased in just one click or that teeny virus. And photos just get sweeter with AGE. THIS is what I mean. You have to do it someday! =)


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