Ten Smiling Faces

As much as I like to think that I am quite indifferent to flowers, I really am not. So I was touched when R randomly surprised me a few ...

As much as I like to think that I am quite indifferent to flowers, I really am not. So I was touched when R randomly surprised me a few days ago by whipping this bunch of orange/red ones out, along with a bottle of guava juice (best drink). They are now atop my dresser and I find myself vacantly staring at them sometimes, reminiscing about the time R hid a rose in his suit for 3 hours as a sort-of "magic trick" and the other time when I was stomping to uni like a moody-bitch and he leapt out ninja-style brandishing a flower in an effort to cheer me up. Too good to me. 

In other news, it was my youngest sister's 6th birthday yesterday. She spent the day at someone's else's party, then playing in her best friend's house then out to dinner with the family then back home for presents and more cake. What a princess. 

FYI, the cake was kind of gross but she chose it because it had a smiley face on it (which she declared tasted horrible). Still, she spent the whole day saying "this is the best day EVER!!" so I guess it was a success.

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  1. That's so sweet. Roses and flowers are lovely :)

    Your sister sounds too cute. I love the funny things that little kids say!


  2. Those roses are beautiful! Try preserving them by hanging them somewhere dry for about a week or two ;)

  3. R sounds like a great guy! And your sister is super cute.


  4. Yo not fair. I wish my guy had a single romantic fiber in him. You're a lucky girl, Annie!


  5. I have to say that I enjoy your photos but I enjoy your blog blurbs as I like to call them even more. :) Oh how, I am familiar with "moody-bitchyness." Haha.

    Hope you're doing well!

    xx THE CHEAP

  6. i actually needed something like this, thank you haha


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