For a Chum - WE MAKE PLANS

For a Chum

I just want to say a very very Happy Birthday to a certain girl. A girl who, in the several years that I've known her, has never been an...

I just want to say a very very Happy Birthday to a certain girl. A girl who, in the several years that I've known her, has never been anything less than WEIRD. By weird I really mean a mix between intensely passionate, incredibly stubborn, ridiculous, wise, kind-hearted and ____. I don't know how else to describe her but that she is a genuine person through and through, if you know her. Which I hope I do. What I most admire about her is that she is a go-getter, and she handles whatever shit life throws at her in her own headstrong way. She rarely admits weakness.

My strongest memory with her was when we were around 16, and we made a list (definitely called The List, and written in code), of things we HAD to do as a sort of ode to our youth. Half of it was illegal. We forgot about it eventually but I think that it's kind of indicative of who she is. She seizes life (sorry corny) and when you're with her, half the time you are wondering how she could be so naive/hyperactive/ridiculous but the other half of the time is spent having the time of your life and doing stupid things you will almost always cringe about later. In a good way. Of course another small proportion is spent contemplating the complexities of the universe.

So for all the moments of gold I and everyone else has had the privilege of sharing with her, I hope she has a million, zillion more as a certified adult. I don't really even need to hope because I know she will MAKE good moments anyway. If you're lucky enough, you get to share some with her. And if you're even luckier, you might even be able to share the bad moments with her too.

Lots of loving!

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  1. oh thank you ! So nice comment I always feel like I really suck on putting a nice make up ! Thank you :)

  2. dear annie ,
    thanks so much for that amazingly warm post ! HAHAHA oh god, the LIST! i wonder if you still have it handy in that diary of yours because i'd really like to see it ... "rolls" and "leaves" and all :P ! quite sure we made the LIST whilst sitting in B7(?) whilst jigging assembly . hum, good days when we contacted 'kieran' who offered us things beyond what we bargained for. when we tried to 'hide our thoughts' from everyone else we thought would disapprove, finding ways to 'get out of class' and 'meet at the toilet HEHEHE' i think we did about one thing on that list three times (?) - im also pretty certain we did it completely wrong (LOL!) but nevertheless it forms a fond memory in my head too of the days we used to be young and curious. and like to take pictures of ourselves doing fun things ;)
    im sure that over the last 3years we have both come a long way since we were two inquisitive nsgs hiding in the corner of a classroom contemplating the possibility of the existence of lifeforms beyond our own planet. a long way since eating wedges at strathfield plaza for a certain persons birthday and a long way since thinking greenwood plaza the 'coolest' hangout spot. :P
    i'm glad that these memories stick with you too and that i contributed even the smallest of impressions on your youth - a golden time for everyone and yes, a time that we should all seize ! i'm glad that we were once curious children and glad that we chose to explore our inquisitions together in the form of a LIST. even though that we did eventually forget, the action of creating that list and gaining a new experience in our 16years of teenage life will, i assume, stick with us both for a long time. that having been said, we are still young after all (18?19?) and the world is indeed our oyster :) im sure that the morale and ideal behind the LIST is still applicable to us even all these years later - that life is about experience, about feeling, about intense experiences of feeling- good and bad, the LIST reflects the fact that you dont want to look up one day to realize that you are thirty and wonder where the remnants of your entire youth went. you never know which day could be your last and i guess, that's what the LIST reflected values of.
    annie, you are a great writer and an even greater girl. you are talented, dedicated and quite the go-getter yourself. :) i hope you will boldly continue on your explorations of life and that you will find happiness where ever these explorations and contemplations may lead you !
    love always !
    - a chum .

  3. very nice photos, they all look fun and interesting, so does your life, i guess:)

    please visit my blog some time:)



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