Sunday Morning

 Various places around Wynyard Public transport here is pretty bad...and probably worse on weekends. After getting into the city at around 7...

 Various places around Wynyard
Public transport here is pretty bad...and probably worse on weekends. After getting into the city at around 7:40am (I know right, who gets up at this time), I waited for a bus. And waited. And eventually I figured it was best I walk around to kill some time and prevent my feet from snapping off in the cold.

But there is something quite lovely about a deserted city just waking up on a weekend. Quite convenient too, since no-one was around to watch me take pictures on my phone like a fobby tourist...

Naturally the rest of the day was spent being pleasantly unproductive. As in I slept all day. Hope your weekends were just as lovely!

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  1. these look pretty impressive to have been taken on a phone

  2. thanks, guess my trusty little nokia is pretty nifty hahaha but seriously, i made them all black and white for a reason...

  3. unreal phone photos. and I have to say, I love your header/ logo- very clever.


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