I Like Mondays
March 07, 2011Slept late. Wake up early. Put on a checked shirt. Younger sister spills cup of water. Yell at her for making her jumper wet. Younger sister whines about jumper. Yell at her. Swear profusely when you can't find the keys. Yell at her again. Younger sister yells back. Yell at her for yelling. Leave the house late.
Arrive to uni early. Buy a mocha. Dump 3 sugars. Chat to a friend, and another. Wait outside the lecture hall. See R. He is also wearing a checked shirt. Cringe a little. Receive monosyllabic texts from a friend. Receive a 500 word text from another. Attend a lecture, rejoice when you don't fall asleep.
Lunch. Eat food, want more. Sit in the sun and think what a lovely day. Wave to a friend, ignore another. Attend another lecture. Act studious.Think about how hungry you are. Idle your way through the newspaper crossword. Think about how hungry you are. Eat. Think about how fantastic this food tastes. Laugh at a stupid joke on the bus. Make a pact to sleep early. Say bye to R at the station. Go home late.Train delays, even later.
Stare at chemistry notes. Eat jelly. Apologise to sister for being a bitch in the morning. Stare at math notes. Type this post. Think about how tired you are. Realise that hey, this was a pretty damn good day.