xmas round-up

| Christmas Lights | Bruschetta at home | Eva, missing a few teeth | Home-made pies | Mini Xmas village | Fresh flowers | Moi |  Se...

| Christmas Lights | Bruschetta at home | Eva, missing a few teeth | Home-made pies | Mini Xmas village | Fresh flowers | Moi | 

Seeing as it's New Years in a few days, thought I'd gather a few photos taken around Christmas time. This year's felt a bit underwhelming; more like a flurry of exorbitant spending in a mad rush for presents rather than a festive, family bonding time. I've learnt my lesson. 

I can't wait for NYE! I will be taking my tripod out and hopefully taking some nice photos. Until then, I will see you next year! Have all sorts of stuff lined up, and can't wait to share them.

Have a Happy New Year!

P.S. Just to drill a point home, check out this infographic my friend Catherine made HERE. (Click READ MORE for full size version!)

christmas price 4 Cost Of Christmas Infographic

Source: WomensPersonalFinance.net

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  1. I always love coming by your blog to admire your photos :))
    Christimas is always a busy time for everyone , you look uber purdy too hehe <3
    @__@ that is rather crazy seeing the statistics of Christmas... i dont celebrate it so..lots of money saved on my end ahaha >__<


  2. love your photos, and you're so beautiful ♥
    i can't wait for nye either :))

  3. You always have the best photos. I'm excited for NYE, too!

    Happy 2013, Annie!

  4. Your blog is amazing! I'm a new GFC follower :)

  5. amazing amazing pictures! SO lucky that it's warmer for your new years!

    Top & Worst Eyelash Adhesive for 2012

  6. You look like Zhang Ziyi in that last photo!


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