So, now that I have your attention... 3 Things I Spotted: 1. Brilliant blue sky in the middle of winter. Smiles all aro...

So, now that I have your attention...
3 Things I Spotted:
1. Brilliant blue sky in the middle of winter. Smiles all around.
2. Brilliant sunshine in the middle of winter. More smiles.
Best of all:

It did make the lecture I was attending slightly more amusing. Reminds me of the heated scribblings on the back of toilet doors at uni which I chuckle at before remembering that it's kind of uncool to be chuckling to myself in a toilet cubicle.

I did of course do a little more than take 3 pictures of random/mundane things this week, like sprinkle chalk on my friend's head consistently throughout a lecture until he obliviously walked out with white hair, and watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes! Speaking of, I have so much respect for Andy Serkis and think he is a very underrated actor. Tom Felton acted exactly like Draco, with stubble and James Franco is a babe. In all seriousness, it was a very well executed movie which has a few smart references to the original, and I guarantee you will be touched. I swear there was a collective gasp in the cinema when-

I will save you the rant...YOU NEED TO WATCH IT!

Moving on. Tonight after dinner I also spotted my dad taking pictures of his cup of tea (?) which I obviously rolled my eyes at until I realised I am exactly like him. Proven above. Guess it's the most random, smallest things which make me happy...

Did you see anything weird/random/completely boring this week? I'd love to know!

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  1. AHAHA love the graffiti. One of my favorite comedians, Demetri Martin, has a joke that's something like "why is graffiti always so strong? for once, i'd like to see indifferent graffiti. 'Toy Story 2 was alright', and then I thought, 'Wow, a lot of people shit with pens'".

    Anyways, I can't believe you got the same dress in Tropical Print! I liked that one a lot too, but I figured I didn't have any cheetah print in my life, and it was time for that to change.
    Wish we were friends in real life, and we could be those super lame girls who match, haha.

    In an answer to your question, I've been seeing hoards of protesters outside the Verizon buildings all over Boston. (Idk if you guys have Verizon in Australia, it's like a phone company.) I wonder what they're pissed about...

    Style Soufflé

  2. oh goodness...i love finding crude bathroom scribblings. it makes going pee so much more enjoyable..if that was even possible.

    Thank you for the sweetest/best comment on my blog. totally made my day.

  3. The powerline pic is powerful...the irony


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